ineem leaf powder

Neem has played an important role in traditional Indian remedies, Ayurveda and naturopathy. Most houses in india have neem trees. Just growing a neem tree in your garden and inhaling its aroma can be benefical in many ways. Since we dont have neem tree in our house, whenever I go to my relatives or friends house, I collect a lot of neem leaves from their trees and powder them at home and store it. without a neem tree, it becomes difficult to make fresh neem paste face packs or neem juice everyday. But using the powder can give you the same benefits as fresh leaves. Also, Since the powder is more concentrated, only little quantity is required for each use. Read on to know the various uses of neem powder and how to make at home.


collect a bunch of neem leaves and spread over a paper and sundry for 2 days. Then dry indoors or in shade for 3 days. Make sure they are dried completely. If there is any wetness, it will spoil soon. Grind into a very fine powder.

Technical Specifications

Test Specifications Results Method
Identity Passed Passed organoleptic
Identity Passed Passed Macroscopy
Identity Passed Passed HPTLC
Particule Size Varies US #60 mesh 30% Industry Standard
Particule Size Varies US #100 mesh 70% Industry Standard
Extraneous Matter <1.0% 0.05% WHO Method
Bulk Density (g/20ml) Varies 9.25 MHR Method
Test Specifications Results Method
Bacterial Plate <10,000,000cfu/g 10,000cfu/g AOAC 2015.13
Coliform <10,000cfu/g 3,100cfu/g AOAC 991.14
ECoil Absent/25g Absent/25g AOAC 991.14
ECoil 0157:H7 Negative Negative AOAC #111502
Salmonella Absent/25g Absent/25g AOAC #061203
Yeast & Mold <100,000cfu/g 1,000cfu/g AOAC 997.02
Moisture content <12% 6,84% DSC Analyzer


ineem leaf cake is available in 2kgs, 5kgs HDPE Bags. We can provide neem cake in any size packaging for bulk order.

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